Hi, I am MD Rejoan Siddiky.

Thriving through my final year in Computer Science, I'm passionate about software engineering, innovating with Python, SQL, C++, and machine learning. Mastering algorithms and fostering curiosity, I seek opportunities to contribute in the dynamic field of technology and software development. Let's spark something greate together! 🔥


Blogging Web Application

Programmed a dynamic blog app enabling user registration, login/logout, and seamless blog management with formatting, editing, and deletion features.

  • Python
  • Django
  • HTML5/CSS3

OCR Web Application

Developed a Python Flask project with Easy-OCR for optical character recognition. Users upload images, select languages, and recieve text output.

  • Flask
  • Python
  • HTML5/CSS3

Sentiment Analysis Application

Crafted a RESTful API in Python's Flask, leveraging Hugging Face Transformers for sentiment analysis. Endpoint '/analyze' delivers precise sentiment results.

  • Flask
  • Python
  • HTML5/CSS3

Quote Sentiment Analyzer Web Application

Programmed a web application using Python, Flask and NLP to dynamically display positive and negative quotes based on quote's sentment score upon user request of quotes.

  • Flask
  • Python
  • Vedar Lexicon (NLTK)
  • HTML5/CSS3
Live link


Problem Solving

#Problem Solving

Coming soon...


  1. “Generating Image Samples Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)”.

    We have highlighted the significant advances and potential of GANs in picture generation, demonstrating their effectiveness in creating realistic image samples.


Reach out anytime:

Email me